Friday, April 24, 2009
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
I was stuck talking to Hippolytus this afternoon.
I had thought after yesterday that he was no longer interested in me- he seemed not to be looking at me as much as he used to. Before every time I turned in his direction he was ogling me (me!). Alas, I spoke to him this afternoon.
The most memorable moments of the conversations were these...

-Hippolytus was talking about how he had gone driving down the coast a few times. I sarcastically- and stupidly- said "next time you go, you know where I live." He responded with "you don't know how many times I've thought about it." Then he stopped himself quickly and tried to come up with something that sounded less like it actually was. A 'because, you know, once you said... that you'd never been down there' response to cover a slip.
-I reiterated how we had almost been neighbours. He had said that he wouldn't have minded that.
-We were discussing Lamiai, because I wanted to keep bringing the conversation back to that (the way that I did with Atlas last year, after I discovered that he had a missus so that I could remind myself (and him a little) that there was someone else to consider.) Of course he wasn't painting a pretty picture of his relationship with her (they had a brief fling, she got pregnant and they stayed together because of that and the subsequent children). At one point he was discussing how things weren't working and I know he was just about to say that he had to sort things out, as in leave her, but he caught himself. (Once again I wish that I had a voice recorder).
.When Metis finally turned up we discussed possibly hitting the town tomorrow and she made a point of saying that if Hippolytus wanted to come out, if he was allowed to, that we would be at NAME WITHHELD.

Do I want to go? Do I really want him to turn up? Yes. I do. Did I flirt a little today? Yes, I did. Will I do anything if I have the chance... I hope not.
