I go through soup phases, and I think this is one of them. I cook up everything from the regular pumpkin soup (tomorrow... yum) to the completely random. I'll walk through the supermarket and randomly choose things to turn into soup. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
2tb. olive oil
3 large parsnips, peeled & roughly chopped
3 potatoes, peeled & roughly chopped
1tsp. rosemary
1lt. vegetable stock
1/2 cup thickened cream
1/2tsp. cayenne pepper
S&P to taste
1. Heat oil over moderate heat. Add vegetables, rosemary, S&P and cayenne. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
2. Add stock. Bring to the boil then reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 30-40 minutes or until vegetables are well cooked.
3. Remove from heat. Allow to stand for 5 minutes before transferring to blender. Process until smooth.
4. Return to heat. Add cream. Stir until warmed through.
5. Sprinkle with cayenne pepper if desired. Serve.