Friday, May 01, 2009
Playground Fun
After Fraus blamed Metis, which she basically did (how in the hell does this have anything to do with Metis?), I started thinking. Metis gets the blame for a lot of things. Like this most things probably have nothing to do with her at all. Like Hippolytus. I started wondering how these people that seemed so nice to start with, were even friends, became such morons whos favourite pasttime is making other people life misery. Then I discovered there was one common demoniator-


I don't know the woman. I've only encountered her twice- the time she ambushed me and at a child's birthday party. I don't know the woman, only that she leaves me feeling uncomfortable. Yet as I think about it she is the one person that all these people have in common when they start becoming banshees is Pasiphae. Like Pyrrha. She was always nice. Not the brightest cookie and a bit of a drunk but nice. Now she starts rumors and bitchs about other people for entertainment. Lamiai and Metis used to be friends. A few months ago Lamiai would stop and speak to her. Then she became
closer friends with Pasiphae. Now they don't talk at all. As we all know I don't know Lamiai but if she's anything like people say she is, she's become a cow too.
And now Fraus. I've bitched and moaned about her the whole time because she's, well nuts and insecure and about a thousand other things. She only ever really started becoming unbearable after she started hanging out with Pasiphae!
Even this morning when I spoke to Ms. Minerva she insinuated that Pasiphae and a her friends were malicious. It wasn't hard to understand what she was inferring when she said some of the problems the canteen was having when Chris was in there was because of Pasiphae and her posse.
Oh well. Now I have to find something to do to fill my days. I really want the job.
Actually, I really want to be a writer. But I'm feelign vindictive today so I really want the job. Ugh.
Que sera sera.
